Thursday 2 February 2012

Part 27

"You take on the Azdeha copy." Renji murmured, eyes darting to Chusei for second, checking she was prepared. "I would struggle against a copy, I'll admit that now." Chusei looked back just as breifly before grimly nodding and bringing herself to stand beside Renji.
"Got it. Will you be ok with the Byakuya though? I mean even if these copies are weaker that the real things-"
"Hey I have fought against the real guy before remember?" Renji smirked, eyes, however, never leaving the Byakuya before him. Chusei didn't comment further. She was tempted to comment on the state he was left in as a rustle of said fight but now wasn't the time or place.

Watching the pair before them seem to talk Chusei couldn't help but be a little too convinced of who they were. Azdeha even called out and was wrangled back in a way which was just like the Byakuya and Deha she and Renji knew. Before long she shook her head and snapped out of her thoughts.

"Ready?" Renji muttered.
"I was born ready! I'm just going to pretend it's like the time she said I looked like Rukia." Chusei grinned. Renji shook his head before there was a pause. The mood hightened as the pair got serious. "Go."

Dashing forward Renji was the first to clash with Byakuya who ran to meet him but Chusei slipped past and turned to deflect a first strike and swung round Shunen-Ryu to try attack herself. When Azdeha dodged out the way, a few hairs ending up trimmed though, Chusei moved away to try judge the next attack. Next attack she blocked, she struck out, it was deflected. Another strike from Chusei, deflected. Soon the pair both had their backs to the opposing walls, panting lightly. Up close the Azdeha really did look like the Deha Chusei knew. She had certainly had convincing details added to her to look like she may have been down in this horrid place for a while. In the back ground Renji and Byakuya clashed loudly, Renji's unsubtle roars as he attacked echoing around them. Looking right in to Azdeha's eyes Chusei didn't know what to think any more, she was convinced but Renji was right, she had to depend on her senses and she sensed nothing.

Familiar frustration at being messed around mounting in seconds, Chusei kicked out at Azdeha and used the attacks distraction to roll away along the wall to leave her with space behind her and room to attack and keeping the battle between Renji and Byakuya as far away from her as possible.
"You sure do look like the real thing." Chusei crouched a little, glaring at Azdeha, "Unfortunately if there is no reiatsu there is no reality to you so forgive me." Shunen-Ryu glowed dully in the reiatsu-zapping corridor. "I am not going to enjoy this but it needs to be done!" With the last word Chusei lunged forward with another attack.

As Chusei pulled away and frowned slightly when she saw Azdeha's eyes widen a little, like she had said either something important or offensive. [i]'Bingo.'[/i] Chusei figured the imposter realised she knew she was a fake. Smirking, Chusei grabbed both hands on Shunen-Ryu and in a powerful move that made her zanpaktou roar through the air toward's Azdeha's side.