Thursday 2 February 2012

Part 28

Azdeha threw herself to the ground just in time to avoid a fatal blow from Chusei's zanpakuto, but the captain had still managed to land a blow. Wincing from the pain, the redhead glanced down at her thigh which had a long diagonal slash across her hakama. She could feel the blood pouring down her leg and bit her lip, trying to fight past the pain; she hoped Chusei had managed to avoid the artery. Only time would tell.

She rolled into a crouching position and pushed herself to a standing position, bearing her weight on her uninjured leg as she tightened her grip on Kurobara. Opposite her, the fake Chusei was watching her intently, trying to work out the girls next move. She knew that even though this Chusei wasn't real, the copy's skills were superior to her own, despite having come out top of her class in swordsmanship, and she was grateful that neither of them could perform Kidou right now. Both girls were on equal footing when it came that particular combat technique, Deha, however, preferred not to use it, opting instead to fight her opponents in armed combat. She found it much more fun.

The two women circled each other, both trying to work out the others next move. Out of the corner of her eye, Deha saw Byakuya land a blow on Renji, knocking him backwards into the wall of the cavern, and for a moment, Chusei was distracted. The red head grinned and grasping Kurobara in both handstook the opportunity to charge at the other girl, raising kurobara above her head slashing downwards in the ryodan technique she had been taught at the Academy.

Chusei recovered from her distraction quickly however, and raised her blade just in time to deflect the attack, sending Deha skidding backwards, Kurobara still raised. She stared at Chusei, frowning for a moment. Something wasn't right. There was definitely something odd about the whole situation but she couldn't put her finger on it.

She shifted her weight and a sharp pain shot up her leg. Wincing, she transferred her weight back to her other foot, and focused on Chusei. The imposter chose that moment to throw herself at the redhead, blade glinting in the torchlight as she sliced through the air, aiming for her opponents middle.

Gritting her teeth and preparing for the pain, Deha launched herself off the ground, using all the muscles in her legs, and somersaulted over her adversary. She landed heavily on both legs, and then collapsed onto one knee, trying in vain to push the pain away. Across from her Chusei turned around and shook her head.

"I thought you things were meant to be easy to beat." she muttered before planting the tip of Kurobara's blade into the ground and using the sword as a crutch to get back on her feet. She knew the zanpakuto wouldn't be too pleased about that but screw it. It's not like she was much use for anything else at the moment.