Thursday 2 February 2012

Part 30

Not missing a beat, the Chusei imposter ran at her again, not giving the girl enough time to get a proper grip on Kurobara. As she deflected the latest attack, the sword was wrenched out of her fingers and landed a few feet away. The two girls looked at it, then back to each other. Fake Chusei had a look of glee in her eyes which made Deha snort. "You seriously think I'm that easy to take down?"

With one swift movement she raised her leg and kicked Chusei square in the stomach, sending the girl reeling backwards. "You can thank Renji for teaching me that one." She dived for her zanpakuto just in time for the other girl to recover and attack her again; this time she was pissed off and came at her with a vicious attack. The girls carried on fighting; slashing and deflecting with all their might. Deha had an advantage in height and weight, but what Chusei lacked in stature she made up for in speed, which was what gave her the advantage when Deha made a sideways swipe with Kurobara, then used the hilt to butt her opponent in the face. Chusei sidestepped and went for the taller girls injured leg in one movement. Deha leapt backwards and found herself pressed up against cold stone. Chusei swung once more aiming for the girls neck, but Deha blocked the attack, both zanpakutos crisscrossed against her throat.

The Chusei imposter looked at her, frustration evident in her eyes, and Azdeha suddenly remembered what had seemed wrong earlier. The Chusei in front of her had been distracted when Byakuya had hurled Renji into the wall. She had shown emotion, like she was now. The red head could have kicked herself. They weren't fakes, they were the real deal and whoever had set this up had led them right into a trap, where they couldn't feel each others reiatsu.

If she had a free hand she would have facepalmed herself but as it happened, both hands were currently busy fending off an attack from a real captain level shinigami; all she had was her mouth.

"Chusei, you wanna back off a bit and stop trying to slice my head off? It's bad enough you already took a chunk of my hair."