Monday 30 January 2012

Part 15

Opening her eyes slowly, she looked around the room, trying her hardest to ignore the corpse as she assessed the room. It was bare aside from a few boxes. The walls were lined with wood, no doubt fixed into the earth, and the ceiling was made of low beams. The light that had brought her here came from what appeared to be gas lanterns.

She frowned. Gas lanterns? Down here? That seemed dangerous in an enclosed space. It also seemed impossible. After all, where was the gas coming from? She hadn't seen any evidence of pipes. In fact, she hadn't seen gas lanterns anywhere else in the village at all. The houses she had checked had no light sources at all save the hearths. It was almost as if no one had lived there.

She turned around and looked at the wall opposite her. There appeared to be a joint in the wall that indicated another door. She was pretty sure that whoever had attacked her brother had disappeared through there. Whether he was injured or not, she had no idea but the fact remained that he hadn't tried to attack her yet, so the odds were quite high that Renji had got a few hits in before being taken out.


She swallowed hard. Whoever had managed to take down her kill him...must have been pretty damn powerful. She bit back another sob and took a deep breath. She couldn't put it off any longer. She had to know; before she went after his killer, knowing she didn't have a chance in hell of beating him.

She faced the wall which her brother was propped up against and stared at a spot above him. Her peripheral vision confirmed what she refused to look at face on. The red hair, black hair tie, tattoos; it was definitely him.

Her breathing quickened and she couldn't help herself. She walked slowly towards him, trembling with each step, and dropped to her knees next to him. His shihakusho was slick with blood and torn off his body in most places. She could see his chest and the slash marks that marred it. There were so many of them. His body was a network of open wounds, each of them gaping open, blood dripping steadily. His arms and face were also carved up, revealing the white of bone in some places. Whoever had attacked him hadn’t held back.

Gently, she pulled his lifeless form towards her, cradling his head in her arms and buried her face in his hair. She could smell his scent, mingled with sweat and blood and she began to cry as his blood soaked into her uniform.

It wasn't fair. She had only just found him again after years. They had barely had 18 months together and she had lost him all over again. This time she would never get him back. She held him tighter, as if she was trying to squeeze life back into him. She knew it was in vain but she had no idea what else to do. She was all alone down here without backup, and she knew that even if the murderer returned, she didn't stand a chance against him. She would probably die here with Renji, and no one would ever know about it. Chusei and Byakuya would no doubt spend ages searching for them, but to no avail. If they ever found Byakuya again. She sobbed again, not caring if anyone heard her now. Her brother was dead, her lover was still missing and she was lost deep underground with a murderous psycho on the loose.

She reached out blindly and grasped Renji's hand. She could feel the warmth radiating from it and lamented over how she would never again feel those hands pulling her hair, or nudging her or grabbing her from beyond some hidden doorway causing her to squeal while he laughed maniacally.

Her head shot up.

"Warm," she whispered. "Your hands are warm...Renji...RENJI!"

She felt him stir gently and her heart began to race. He was still alive. Barely...but alive.

Pushing him away from her, she propped him up against the wall, her eyes wide as she witnessed his eyelashes flutter against his skin. He was still a ghastly grey colour from blood loss but at least he was moving.

"Renji..can you hear me? Wake up hunny. It's me, Deha."

His lips parted and he mouthed something, but no sound came out.

"I can't hear you Renji. You have to speak up. Open your eyes and look at me." She inched closer. "Please Renji. I know you can do it. You've been in worse states than this and gotten over it. Just look at me."

His eyelids fluttered again but stayed closed. Deha bit down on her bottom lip, worried. He wasn't dead, but she could tell that it wouldn't be long. She only knew basic healing kidou but she doubted it would have any effect with injuries this severe. As much as she hated to admit it, this time with her brother would be short-lived. As she fought back the tears, Renji tightened his grip on her hand and she moved closer.

"What is it?"


"Akua? What's that?" She moved closer so that her face was only inches from his. "Say it again."

"Bakua." he whispered, his voice barely audible above the sound of blood rushing to his sisters ears.

"Byakuya?" She frowned. "You want Byakuya? I don't know where he is Renji. I'm sorry. It's just us...and whoever did this to you, but I don't know where he is either. Byakuya's missing and I don't know what to do. I don't even know where the others are."

"No...Byakuya." Renji lifted a frail finger and pointed vaguely in the direction of the wall with the door. Deha turned to stare at it. Renji was indicating that Byakuya was in there. With the person who did this to her brother? Maybe he had managed to kill him, but had gotten injured in the process. If that was the case, he'd have to wait. As much as she loved him, her brother needed her right now and she was not about to leave him on his own.

She felt his grip tighten on her hand again for a moment before loosening off. He was fading. The tears began to roll down her cheeks as she reached for him. She pulled him onto her lap and cradled him once more, making soothing sounds as she brushed her hands through his hair, comforting him in his last moments. It was only a matter of minutes before she felt his muscles go slack and his final breath left his body, but she held on, continuing to soothe him not because it would help him. He was beyond that now, but because it would soothe her.