Monday 30 January 2012

Part 23

The captain held out his free arm, and dropped Senbonzakura, blade down on the floor. The steel of the katana sank into the ground, with ripples of reiatsu and the 4 shinigami were plunged into darkness as bright blades erupted from the ground all around them, towering high above them. "Chire, Senbonzakura Kageyoshi."
The blades separated into thousands of tiny shards which surrounded them in a whirlwind of metal. They scattered in all directions before converging into one giant cloud which was aimed directly at the two imposters. Anticipating the move, Mayuri grabbed Nemu and flung her into the path of the blades, using the momentum, coupled with his shunpo to move out of the way. The woman didn't even make a sound as the blades seemed to swallow her whole.
"Throwing away your lieutenants life to save your own? How dishonourable."
"Says the man who gave up his wife for his own sexual gratification. And with a street rat no doubt." Mayuri sneered and shunpo'd out of the way of Byakuya's latest attack.
"Hisana died a long time ago. Nothing can bring her back." Byakuya sent another wave of blades after Mayuri who merely moved out of the way again. He had always been masterful at shunpo and Deha knew that unless she or Byakuya did something, they could be at a stalemate for hours.
Despite Byakuya's earlier warning to stay exactly where she was, the young girl wriggled around in his grasp so that her zanpakuto was no long wedged between them. As long as she stayed close to him she wouldn't be in any danger so he couldn't exactly reprimand her for merely turning around.
"Dakishimeru Kurobara." She whispered it, knowing the spirit within the blade would hear her regardless and watched as the steel lengthened and drooped, transforming into a steel whip embellished with thousands of tiny thorns. As Mayuri shunpo'd from place to place, each time avoiding Senbonzakura's attack, Deha calculated her next move and the next time Mayuri paused, she used the split second to crack her whip, much to both captain's surprise, and annoyance, and the zanpakuto coiled itself around Mayuri's arm, keeping him in place. The captain sneered and pulled at the coil, which only led to the thorns embedding themselves deeper into his arm.
"Byakuya, now!" Deha held on tight to stop Mayuri from pulling back, as another wave of petal like blades headed towards him, but Mayuri was too fast. Realising that the one person Byakuya was trying to save was on the other end of the whip, he grasped it with his other hand and yanked as hard as he could. Deha stumbled forward, closing the gap between her and the insane imposter, and right into the path of the oncoming shards.
"DEHA!" She was knocked to the ground by a powerful impact and lost her grip on Kurobara, but it had been enough. She raised her head in time to see Mayuri being engulfed by a ball of tiny glittering blades which then dissipated, leaving the man lying, broken, on the ground.
She felt the weight that was pinning her down let up, and she rolled onto her back. Byakuya was standing over her, his face a mixture of anger and relief.
"Why do you find it so hard to obey even the simplest of orders?" he sighed offering her a hand getting off the ground.
"It's all part of my charm?"
She took his hand gratefully and he helped her up, pulling her into his arms, and crushing her against his chest.