Monday 30 January 2012

Part 16

She didn't know how long she sat with her brother’s body in her arms. It could have been minutes or hours; the concept of time was long forgotten, but she was beginning to get cold, and her muscles had cramped up a while back. She knew she would have to get up and go through the door, leaving her brother behind. She could have easily stayed with him, hoping that help would soon come, but according to Renji, Byakuya was beyond the door in the wall, and he could still be alive. She might not have been able to save her brother, but there was still hope for their captain.

Reluctantly, Deha lay Renji's lifeless body on the floor and kissed his forehead. "I'll be back, nii-sama." Standing up, she removed her kosode and covered his face with it, before laying Zabimaru by his side. The zanpakuto which had always been buzzing with energy had felt lifeless in her hand. She stepped back and bowed to him, out of respect, before retrieving Kurobara. Her own zanpakuto, in contrast with Zabimaru, felt alive. More alive than she had ever felt it.

She looked down at her brother one last time, then with the steely resilience that proved she was an Abarai, headed towards the doorway she had spotted earlier. She still had no idea what was going on but hopefully she would find out soon enough. Taking a deep breath she lay one had against the smooth wood of the door, and pushed it open cautiously. When no one attacked her, she stepped into the room, eyes adjusting to the brighter light in here. More gas lanterns. Something about them bothered her but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.


Her head shot up and she turned in surprise and delight to face the owner of the familiar voice.

Byakuya stood a few meters away with Senbonzakura unsheathed. He was covered in blood and he had a cut on his face. His haori was tattered and his kosode was torn. Relief rushed through the red head as she lowered her own zanpakuto and ran towards him. "You're alive. I thought maybe something had happened to you as well. Renji..." she took a moment to collect herself. "Renji...he's dead." She couldn't help bursting into tears again at the thought of her brother lying motionless and cold on the other side of the wall.

Byakuya nodded slowly, his movements slow and controlled as usual. "I know. I thought that might be the case."

"Did you manage to get him? The man that did it?" she gestured towards his blood soaked shihakusho and Byakuya looked down at his clothing. "It looks like he hurt you badly as well." She walked towards him, intent on looking at his injuries. He was nowhere near as badly hurt as Renji had been given that he was still on his feet, so there was a possibility that she could use her Kidou to heal him.

It was only when she got closer that she noticed something was amiss. Deha frowned and looked at her captain, thoughts faltering for a moment. He was injured, that she could see, but his injuries were minimal. Certainly not enough to produce the amount of blood he was covered in. She moved towards him and put her hand on his chest. He didn't flinch; merely stared down at her curiously as she tugged his kosode open, revealing smooth, unblemished skin below.

"You're not injured."

Byakuya snorted, "As if that man could touch me."

"But all the blood?"

"It's not mine."

Azdeha nodded warily. There was no doubt that her captain was strong, but after the mess she had seen of Renji, there was no way whoever the assailant was had only managed to land one cut on Byakuya. "Who is he?"

She stepped back and looked around the room for a body. There was none. "Wh...where is he?" she stammered, confusion clearly etched across her face. "There's no body Byakuya. Where is it?"

Byakuya looked at her steadily, unblinking. "Byakuya? Where's the body?"

Again he didn't answer. Her eyes went wide and she stepped back away from him, shaking her head. "There is no body is there?" The young girl gasped as realisation dawned on her.

This was beyond a nightmare. This was Hell, pure and simple.

"Only your brothers." Byakuya stepped towards her, his face an emotionless mask. "It was a pity, but he had the impression that one day he would surpass me. It looks like he was wrong."

"He was your lieutenant...and MY brother. How could you?" Deha had raised Kurobara in front of her, but she was shaking, and she knew the more experienced and intuitive warrior could tell she was terrified.

"You say that like it matters to me. Like you matter to me."

Azdeha glared at him, "That's not true. You're lying."

"Am I?" Byakuya took another step forward. He had yet to raise Senbonzakura, but Deha knew he didn't have to. If he chose to take her out, he could do so in the blink of an eye. "When have I ever told you that I love you? Or that I even care about you?"