Monday 30 January 2012

Part 20

She woke up what seemed like ages later, to find herself strapped to a table. Hisana occupied a table next to her, but seemed to have been shut off for the time being. They were no longer in the room with the silk screens. Somehow they had been transferred to a room of sterile white tiles. She could smell the disinfectant in the air as it stung her nostrils, and the brightness of the strip lighting above hurt her eyes. She couldn't see anyone else in the room, but she could hear Mayuri talking. His voice got louder before she heard a door open and he came into view to the left of her. There was someone else with him.

"As you can see, we're all set to do the operation. All you need to do is choose."

"Mayuri, I always knew you were twisted but resurrecting my dead wife? Using Abarai's reiatsu? I won't have any of it."

Byakuya. She could hear his voice and tried to call out to him, but her voice refused to work. She couldn't know for sure he was real but it didn't matter. If he realised she was awake....

She dropped her shoulders...if he realised she was awake what? This was a fake Byakuya. He'd probably be thrilled to have Hisana back. Enough to give her up.

"Why don't you just call her Deha, like you do in private?" Mayuri teased and she heard a bang, like someone had hit something. "Temper Byakuya. Don't think we don't all know what you and that little firecracker get up to in the privacy of your headquarters. Now...are you going to choose or do I have to kill them both."

"Do as you will. I know this is just another made up situation to make me confront my fears. It doesn't matter who I choose...As soon as you kill one of them, I'll be on to the next nightmare."

Deha heard the black haired man sigh, as he moved into her line of vision. Azdeha felt her body stiffen with shock. He was filthy, covered in blood and dirt. His uniform was torn in places and his hair was pulled back off his face. There was no sign of his kenseiken.

He walked over to her and looked down at her, pushing a strand of hair out of her face. His own face was streaked with dirt and looked down at her with grim determination. He looked exhausted, as though he had been fighting for days.

This was real. He was real....and he thought she was an illusion

Azdeha stared up at her captain, trying in vain to move her mouth and communicate with him, but whatever Mayuri had given her had paralysed her. She was screaming at Byakuya in her head, but not a single sound left her lips. It was agonising to know he was so close, but she could do nothing about it.

He studied her for a moment, his eyes devoid of any emotion, then walked away, heading for the table where the fake Hisana lay. Deha could do nothing more than watch him as he stroked the woman's cheek, and clasped her lifeless hand in his. It was heartbreaking to watch, but on some level, the red head understood. This woman was his first love. He had adored her and he was being given a chance to have her back. She knew that if it was her in that position, she'd be seriously considering taking Mayuri up on his offer.

Byakuya spoke softly, his eyes never leaving Hisana. "You say that you can use Deha's reiatsu to bring Hisana back? Alive. Not just a robotic life form like Nemu?"

He was seriously considering it. Shock coursed through Deha's body and every curse word she knew was directed silently at Mayuri for putting Byakuya in this position. He had to know it was all fake, and in his mind it didn't matter who he chose, as soon as he did he'd be out of here, but the prospect of having Hisana alive just for those few moments was probably too much temptation.

"As alive as you and me. It's your chance to have everything you ever wanted back." She could hear the glee in Mayuri's voice. "All you have to do is say the word. Maybe this will help you decide."

Azdeha heard movement nearby and then a click. Hisana's eyes flew open and she sat up on the table, smiling at her husband. "Byakuya-sama, welcome home."